Serial module

RS232C Setup (Channel No. 1)

In order to connect PLC to HMI or access the project in the PLC through Serial protocol, it is used to set parameter to Serial Communication Module.
Applied Module : CM1-SC02A, CM1-SC01A, CM1-SC01B, CM1-SC02C, CM3-SP02ERS, CM3-SP02ERR
Click Online -> Special Module Setup and choose RS232C/422 Module or click Serial module on the Card Properties.




If CPU is connected to CICON online, Base and Slot number display automatically.
If not, choose Base and Slot number where Serial module is installed.
From the Communication type full-down menu, choose Null.
From the Protocol full-down menu, choose one of them.
Protocol Program : User can build his own protocol to communicate other device.
HMI Procotol : It makes PLC communicate with SCADA or XPANEL.
MODBUS RTU Protocol : It is for Modbus RTU Slave
PLC Link Protocol : It is used to make PLC Link
CICON (Loader) Protocol : It is used to connect CICON through RS232C port. You can download a project to the CPU module.
MODBUS Master Program : It is for Modbus RTU Master
Choose the Station number from 0 to 31.
Choose each communication parameter.
Baud Rate : 300 to 76800
Parity : None, Even, Odd
Data Bit : 7 or 8
Stop Bit : 1 or 2
Response Delay : 0~ 200ms, Sending data frame is delayed as response delay time.
Click Write to save all parameters to module.


RS422/RS485 Setup (Channel No. 2)

In order to use RS422 or RS485, set up Channel2.




The configuration is the same with RS232C (Channel 1).

Choose the Base and Slot number where CM1-EC10C is installed.
Type System Name (Maximum 17characters).
The System name must be different for each module because CIMON SCADA will use this name to find out correct module.
Type IP address to DDNS #1 and Port number.
If SCADA is configured redundancy system, type IP address to DDNS #1 and #2.
Both Port number must be the same with CIMON SCADA configuration.
Type DDNS Connection interval time.
It is refresh time that PLC send its IP address to CIMON SCADA.
If it is too short, system should have heavy load and if it too long, recovery should be delayed.
10 to 60 seconds would be recommended.
Click Write.

If you click Status, you can find out module information.



Version : Firmware version of module.
Error Code : Refer to Serial module manual
PLC Link Status : If PLC Link is connected, station number will be shown as blue color.