AD Module

In order to read analog input value from device, it is used to set analog input value range to assigned channels.

Click Online -> Special Module Setup and AD Module or click AD module on the Card Properties.
CM1 AD module and CM3 AD module have different configuration window.

Applied Module : CM1-AD04VI, CM1-AD08V, CM1-AD08I, CM1-AD04W and CM3-SP04EAO.

CM1 AD module




  1. If you want to set all 4 channels at once, press Ctrl and click channels.

  2. Click Setup and choose Input type, Digital value range, Signal Processing and Average Base.
    Input Type : 4 - 20mA / 0 - 20mA / 1 - 5V / 0 - 5V / -10 - +10V / 0 - 10V / Disable
    Digital Value Range : -192 - 16191 / -8192 - +8191 / 0 - 16000 / -8000 - +8000
    Signal Processing : Average by samples / Average by time / Disable

  3. Click OK.


  4. Click Write to save parameter to PLC.

  5. Click to Read to check parameter.

  6. If you click Status, you can see current value, minimum and maximum value, firmware version of module and error code.


CM3 AD module



  1. Double click Channel number 1 to open Channel Setup window.
    (If you want to set all 4 channels at once, press Ctrl and click channels.)

  2. Choose each parameters.
    Signal Type (Input type) : 4 - 20mA / 0 - 20mA / 1 - 5V / 0 - 5V / -10 - +10V / 0 - 10V /
    Digital Range : -8192 - +8191 / -8000 - +8000 / -192 – 16191 / 0 – 16000
    Filter Constant : 0 – 100%
    Sampling Time : 0 – 2550mSec
    Average Window size : 0 – 255 samples
    High Alarm Value : in the Digital conversion value range.
    Low Alarm Value : in the Digital conversion value range.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click Write to save parameter to PLC.