DNP3 Serial module

DNP3 Serial module

Basic Setup (Channel No. 1)

In order to connect PLC to Host or access the project in the PLC through Ethernet, it is used to assign an communication parameters to the DNP3 (RS232/422) Module.

Applied Module : CM1-SC01DNP

Click Online -> Special Module Setup and choose DNP3 (RS232/422) Module or click DNP3 (RS232/422) module on the Card Properties.




If CPU is connected to CICON online, Base and Slot number display automatically.
If not, choose Base and Slot number where Serial module is installed.
From the Communication type full-down menu, choose Null. (1:1 by cable)

Choose each communication parameter.
Baud Rate : 300 to 38400
Parity : None, Even, Odd
Data Bit : 7 or 8
Stop Bit : 1 or 2
Response Delay : 0~ 200ms, Sending data frame is delayed as response delay time.
(Response Delay time depends on HOST device. If response of SC01DNP is too fast, Host may not receive it. In this case, 50 mSec delay time would be recommended.)

Click Write to save all parameters to module.


DNP3.0 Setup

To connect PLC to Host devices, set up DNP configuration as below.




Click DNP3.0 tap and choose each Data Link Layers
DNP Address : Assign DNP number to DNP module.
Time-out(sec) : Choose the time-out second.
Retry : choose the number of retry.

Application Layer
Application Confirm : DNP module checks communication status from Host.
It increases communication reliability but it also decreases communication speed.
Unsolicited Response : If an assigned data is changed, DNP module send this data to Host.

DNP Master
DNP Address : Write HOST address

Click Write.

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