Data Logger module

Data Logger module

RS232C Setup (Channel No. 1)

In order to connect data logger module to HMI, RS232 (CH1) must be configured first.

Click Online -> Special Module Setup and choose Data Logger (RS-232) Module or click Data Logger module on the Card Properties.
Applied Module : CM1-LG32A
RS232 configuration is the same way with Serial module setup.




If CPU is connected to CICON online, Base and Slot number display automatically.

If not, choose Base and Slot number where Serial module is installed.

From the Communication type full-down menu, choose Null.

From the Protocol full-down menu, choose one of them.
HMI Procotol : It makes PLC communicate with SCADA or XPANEL.
Terminal : Configuration, alarm, Delete and etc. can be possible by Hyper terminal

Choose the Station number from 0 to 31.

Choose each communication parameter.
Baud Rate : 300 to 76800
Parity : None, Even, Odd
Data Bit : 7 or 8
Stop Bit : 1 or 2
Response Delay : 0~ 200ms, Sending data frame is delayed as response delay time.

Click Write to save all parameters to module.



In order to read online data or logged data from connected HMI, set up Logging configuration.




From the Log Type full-down menu, choose one of types.
Sampling : It collects data by sampling time that you set up.
Trigger : It collects data when PLC program asks.
Event : It collects data when the data status change.

Choose the sampling period. It is only used with Sampling log type.

If you want to delete data after sending data to HMI, select Delete sent data.

Double-click Device number in order to register logging data.



Device Type and Address : Choose the device type and starting device address. (Word address is ok. EX: Y0000, Y0010, Y0100 and etc.)
Data Type : Bit, Word(12Byte) and DWord(4Byte)
Deadband / Bit : If Log type is Event, Deadband is standard value for changing value. Regardless of Log type, selected bit will be logged.

Click Write to save configuration.

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