Loadcell Module

It is used to see the status of each channels.
Click Online -> Special Module Setup and Loadcell Module or click Load Cell on the Card Properties.

In order to set parameters of loadcell channels, create Loadcell program at the Special Configuration as below.
For more details, refer to here. (Loadcell – Basic Configuration with Special Program)




Applied Module : CM1-WG02A, CM1-WG04A, CM1-WG02C, CM1-WG02D, CM1-WG02E


Load Cell




Total Weight : Total weight that Loadcell module measures appears.
AD Raw Value : AD conversion value dispaly
Zero Weight : Zero Command(Y06~Y09) is ON, total weight will become 0.
Batching : it shows status of Batch program. You can start and stop batch program. Tare Weight : When Tare BIT(Y0A~Y0D) is turned Off and On, current total weight becomes 0.
Error : It shows error code.
Command Code : It shows Command main code.
Zero Reset : If you click it, total weight will become 0 and display it to Zero Weight (Offset5, 20,35 and 50.)
Zero Reset : If you click it, total weight will become 0 and display it to Tare Weight (Offset10, 25, 40 and 55)
Status Flag : If Flag is ON, assigned bit will be turned Yellow.
Control Output : If Flag is ON, assigned bit will be turned Yellow.