Operation Setting Command

Operation Setting Command

Operation Setting Command (Offset 16)

a) Counter Enable (Bit #0)
Select the channel to be used. If you’re using a high speed counter channel, you must specifically configure the channel as SET (1) in this flag.

b) Internal Preset Command (Bit #1)
When it is necessary to forcefully configure the current count value to a specific value, you must set (turn ON) this Internal Preset Command bit in the sequence program. When this bit is set (turned ON), the "Current Count Value" (Offset 21, 22) will take the written value of the "Internal Preset Value" (Offset 3, 4). It is invalid to use DMOV command in the sequence program to directly modify the "Current Count Value" (Offset 21, 22) for the purpose of the preset because built-in high speed counter only operates to write the internal counter value in the "Current Count Value" for every scan.

c) External Preset Enable (Bit #2)
When this flag is SET (turned ON), the current count value will be forcefully changed to designated value through external signal. The external signal is assigned and fixed to inputs X0004 (Channel 1) and X0006 (Channel 2). The external signal must be received by these input contacts (X04 and X06). The preset setup value must be written to the "External Preset Value" (Offset 5, 6) before the preset signal is entered.

d) Down Counting (Bit #3)
According to the input signal direction (phase difference), the current count value increases or decreases. This flag is SET (turned ON) when the current count value decreases. (RESET if the count increases)

e) Enable Compare Output (Bit #4)
The High Speed Counter function has the ability to output by comparing between the current count value and the comparison value. You can select one method out of the 7 Compare Modes. Whether or not to use this comparison function is decided in this flag. If this flag is in RESET status, the High Speed Counter function will not operate the comparison function regardless of other configurations.

f) Select RPM(1)/PPS(0) (Bit #5)
The High Speed Counter Memory (Offset 17, 18) areas store the RPM or PPS measurement values. The "Select RPM/PPS" flag determines which of the two measured values to calculate. When this flag is SET (1), it will calculate rotations per minute (RPM). For the correct RPM measurement, the "Pulse Per 1 Cycle/Rotation" (Offset 15) must be a non-zero value. If the Offset 15 has the value of zero (0), pulse per second (PPS) will be calculated regardless of the flag status of "RPM/PPS selection" (Offset 16, Bit #5).

g) Latch Counter (Bit #6)
This flag retains the last count value even after the power is cut off by storing the current count value in nonvolatile memory.

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