Program Download

Program Download

How to run a program download

1)Click [Online] – [Online add-on selection] – [SD CARD] - [SD Card Download] to enable the feature.




2)Run the PLC program download (the program and mode.txt file will be created on the SD Card after completion)




3)Verify that the number is "2" in the mode.txt file.

4)Insert the SD Card into the PLC, change the switch to STOP and re-apply the power.

5)If the PLC is well aware of the SD Card, the LEDs will flash (blinking for 5 seconds) unlike in normal boot situations.

6)Change the PLC switch from STOP to RUN for 5 seconds when the LED flashes (all LEDs remain ON)

7)When the download operation is complete, the LED flashes again (in this case, it operates internally in an infinite loop, so no action is performed)

8)Remove the SD Card, re-authorize the PLC, and verify that the program has been downloaded successfully.

  • If the conditions between tasks are not met, the PLC boots normally and works as usual.

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