High-Speed Counter

High-Speed Counter

Operation Outline :




Features of High-Speed Counter :




Pulses in a wide range can be counted.( -2147483648 ~ 2147483647 )
A counted value is stored in buffer memory in signed 32-bit binary value.


Pulse input type can be selected.
1-p input 1-m, 1-p input 2-m, CW/CCW, 2-p input 1-m, 2-p input 2-m, 2-p input 4-m


Counting form can be selected.
One between the following forms can be selected.

· Linear counting : Input pulses can be counted from -2147483648 to 2147483647. In case that a value is out of the range, overflow occurs.

· Ring counting : Input pulses are counted repeatedly between the maximum value and the minimum value of ring counting.

 Coincidence output is available.
Comparing a current value with a set coincidence comparison value, output can be on/off.


Four counting functions can be selected.

  • Latch counting : A currently counted value is stored in buffer memory (04H, 05H, 24H and 25H) according to the signal to start to count (Y06 and Y0E).

  • Sampling counting : The value counted for the time set by the signals to start to count (Y06, Y0E) is stored in buffer memory (06H, 07H, 26H and27H). If a set time is passed, the value counted before signals (Y06, Y0E) are inputted will be kept.

  • Periodic pulse counting : The values (08H, 09H, 28H and 29H) counted before the time set up by signals (Y06, Y0E) and currently counted values (0AH, 0BH, 2AH and 2BH) are stored in buffer memory.

  • Disabling to count : If signals (Y06, Y0E) or the signals to enable to count (Y04, Y0C) are off, pulses will not be counted. The counted values are accumulated in buffer memory for storing current count (00H, 01H).



 Presetting and counting function can be processed by outer control signals.




No. of I/O points

16 Points

No. of Channels

2 Channels

Counting Input Signal


1-Phase Input/ 2-Phase Input

Signal Level(A, B)

5/12/24 V DC (2~5mA)

RS-422 Line Drive


Counting Rate

200 kPPS

Counting Range

Signed 32-bit binary value (-2147483648~2147483647)


Up/Down Presetting Counting + Ring Counting

Coincidence Output

Range of Comparison

Signed 32-bit binary values

Result of Comparison

Set Value < Counted Value

Set Value = Counted Value

Set Value > Counted Value

Outer Input


5/12/24 V DC 2~5mA

Starting Function

Outer Output

Coincidence Output

Transistor(Sink Type) Output Operating Voltage 12~24V





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