RTD Module

RTD Module

RTD converter modules are used to receive inputs from a resistance temperature detector of Pt100 or jPt100 or Pt1000 to measure their temperatures and to convert the temperatures to signed 16-bit binary digital values.


Features :

  • The temperatures converted by the platinum resistance temperature detector of Pt100 or JPt100 or Pt1000 can be displayed in centigrade or Fahrenheit(oC, oF) and the temperature values can be processed as digital values up to the first decimal place.

  • Converted temperature data are converted to 16-bit binary data, which can be processed as digital values. The temperatures in the range from -200oC to 600oC are converted to the values from 0 to16000(-8000~8000).

  • The range of temperatures is from -250oC to 650oC and the range of digital values is from –192 to 16191.

  • If a minimum temperature value and a maximum temperature value are set up, the minimum value will be converted to 0(-8000) and the maximum value to 16000(8000).

  • The breaking of resistance temperature detectors and cables, and the excess of measuring range are detected by channels.

  • It is available to connect four points of a Pt100 or a JPt100(RD04A) or a Pt1000(RD04B) to one module.

  • The number of the modules mounted on one base is not limited.

  • LED is lighted in case of normal status and blinks at the intervals of 0.3 second in case of error

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