Features(CM1 HSC)
High Speed Counter(HSC) module can count wide range of high speed pulses.
(-2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647) counted value is saved at the buffer memory as binary value of 32bits.
There are different types of operation mode.
1Phase Input 1Multiplication
(increasing/decreasing count operated by software setting)
1Phase Input 2Multiplication
(increasing/decreasing count operated by software setting)
CW(Clockwise)/CCW(Counter Clockwise)
2Phase Input 1Multiplication
2Phase Input 2Multiplicatoin
2Phase Input 4Multiplication
There are 2 types of Counter mode.
Linear Count : Its range is from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
If it counts out of range, over flow occurs.
Ring Count : It counts repeatedly between maximum and minimum value.
Compared Output (2 outputs for 1 Channel)
This function is used to compare present count value with compared value and turn Compared Output ON or OFF.
There are 4 Count functions.
Count Latch
Sampling Count
Periodic Pulse Count
Count Disable
Preset and Enable Count operation can be run by external signal.
Input voltage to PRE and FUN terminal to run Preset and Enable Count operation.