A/D Converters

A/D Converters

A/D Modules are used to convert analog signals (Direct voltage or current) from the outside to signed 16-bit binary digital values.

Features :
CM1-AD04VI is the A/D module used to input 4-Channel voltage and 4-Channel current.
CM1-AD08I is the A/D module used to input 8–Channel current.
CM1-AD08V is the A/D module used to input 8-Channel voltage.

CM1-AD04VI 0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V,1~5V,-10~10V,0~10V
CM1-AD08I 0~20mA, 4~20mA
CM1-AD08V 0~5V, 1~5V, -10~10V, 0~10V
An input signal is converted to a digital value from 0 to 16000 or from –8000 to 8000.

Average or sampling is the method used to process input signal.

As the resolution for digital value is selected as 1/16000, high-resolution digital values will be gotten.

The number of the modules used for one base is not limited.

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