


  • Mount CM3-SP32MDT, CM3-SP04ETO, CM3-SP04EAM in order.

Initial Settings


  • CM3-SP04ETO

Channel Used

Channel 1

TC Sensor Type


Digital Output Type


Maximum Temperature Input Value


Minimum Temperature Input Value



  • CM3-SP04EAM

Channel Used

Channel 1

Channel 2

Relay ON Time

15 (x100ms)

30 (x100ms)



Program Description

Save the settings on the buffer memory by using TO command
Minimum and maximum temperature range for CM3-SP04ETO channel 1 will be 0~1000℃
(Minimum/Maximum value converts to digital value of 0~16000 range)
Set the relay ON time to 1.5 seconds for channel 1 and 3 seconds for channel 2 of CM3-SP04EAM
Set Settings Save Request Flag to be ON for CM3-SP04ETO, CM3-SP04EAM
After checking that Settings Save Completed flag is 0 for CM3-SP04ETO, CM3-SP04EAM, then turn OFF Settings Save Request flag

  • Modules operate by the values that are inputted by TO command in the buffer memory when turning on, off the setting save request flag.
    If the settings save request flag don’t get turned on and off, the modules operate by the previous values.

  • Initial setting of the module can be done by going to "Special Module Setup" in CICON





Row 0: permit SP04ETO module channel 1 conversion
Row 1: channel 1: 0~16000 digital conversion set
Row 2: channel 1: maximum temperature input value -> 1000℃
Row 3: channel 1: minimum temperature input value -> 0℃
Row 4: SP04ETO settings save request (Y22) SET
Row 5: enable SP04EAM module channel 1 and channel 2
Row 6: channel 1 RELAY ON TIME set to 1.5 seconds
Row 7: channel 2 RELAY ON TIME set to 3 seconds
Row 9: SP04EAM settings save request (Y32) SET
Row 10: SP04ETO settings save completed(X22) during falling edge, settings save request(Y22) RESET
-> TC module settings save complete
Row 11 : SP04EAM settings save complete (X32) during rising edge, settings save request (Y32) RESET
-> Mux module settings save complete
Row 12 : when channel 1 relay open signal (X33) is ON 0.1 second before channel 1 conversion, save the TC sensor value
Row 13 : when channel 2 relay open signal (X34) is ON 0.1 second before channel 1 conversion, save the TC sensor value
Row 14 : end

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