

Set the main axis and sub axis for interpolation control.

Used for normal single axis positioning control and does not require any further configurations.

Main Axis Y (Sub Axis X)
This configuration specifies the corresponding position data as interpolation and designates Y as the Main Axis and X as the Sub Axis for the interpolation operation.

Main Axis X (Sub Axis Y)
This configuration specifies the corresponding position data as interpolation and designates X as the Main Axis and Y as the Sub Axis for the interpolation operation.

If the main axis settings between X and Y position data do not match, the system will select main axis automatically. It is based on the moving distance. The axis which has longer moving distance becomes the main.
In continuous control, an interpolation axis waits until the other (partner) axis proceeds to the interpolation step. In this case, there is no limit on the waiting time. To escape from the waiting status, use the Emergence Stop Request control flag.
In interpolation operation, set values such as speed, dwell time and Acc/Dec time are taken from the main axis position data set. Only the target position address is effective set in position data of sub axis.
Speed control command is not applicable in interpolation operation. Commands for interpolation are restricted to ABS and INC.

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