Acceleration / Deceleration Time [Address "5-8"]

Acceleration / Deceleration Time [Address "5-8"]

Acceleration / Deceleration Time [Address "5-8"]

Acceleration Time: a duration required to reach from "0 (Stop)" speed to the max. Speed Limit.
Using bias would be a time consumed to reach from Bias Speed to the Speed Limit.
Deceleration Time: a duration required to reach from the Speed Limit down to "(Stop)" speed.
Using bias would be a time consumed to reach to Bias Speed configured in parameter.
The actual Acceleration / Deceleration Time can be calculated by the formula shown below.
T = V x Ta / (Vmax – Vbias)
(V = Target speed change, Ta = Acc/Dec time, Vmax = Speed Limit, Vbias = Bias Speed)

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