Inching Speed [Address "19"]

Inching Speed [Address "19"]

Inching Speed [Address "19"]

Inching operation, a type of manual operation, outputs the specified amount of pulses at the speed configured in this [Inching Speed] parameter.
Unlike the Jog operation which makes it difficult to move to the correct destination because it is driven by ON/OFF signals of the start contact, the Inching operation allows a user to reach the target point by easily setting the desired amount of movement in the Inching command.
Therefore, use the Jog command to move quickly to the vicinity of the work place and then use the [POSCTRL-Inching command] for fine movement. Or after writing the desired amount of Inching movement at the Offset 8 of the operation memory area, a user can turn on the Jog and Inching signal to move to the correct location of the work place.

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