




n1 : Base and slot number

This parameter specifies which module the instruction to be issued.




High Byte : Base Number (00h ~ 10h, 00h : local base)
Low Byte : Slot Number (00h ~ 0Bh)


n2 : Control Data

This must be designated with a block of word device. M, L, K, D area can be used as this block. The designated device is the first device memory of 12 or 4 words sized continuous memory block. The precise data for control are stored in this memory block.
A control code is included in this memory block. According to this control code, two different sized memory blocks are used. One is 4 words and the other is 12 words sized block. The 4 words sized block is used at 3 simple controls such as changing position address or speed. The 12 words sized block is used for more complicated control. Following tables show the structures of these two differently sized blocks.



Axis Number (N2)
Assign the number of axes to control.
1 : Axis 1
2 : Axis 2

Control Code (N2+1)
Assign one of following codes.
1 : Change the current position address. 2 more words must be followed for new position address.
2 : Change the current speed. 2 more words must be followed for new speed.
6 : Change the destination position address. 2 more words must be followed for new destination position address.
9 : Clear the error code. 2 more words must be followed. Each word must be set as 1 and 0.
10 : Issue a control by position data. 10 more words must be followed for position data.

Control Data ([N2+2] ~ [N2+11])
According to the control code, 2 or 10 more words are needed. The detail information of these words are explained as below.
Control Code 1 : New position address (2 words)
Control Code 2 : New speed (2 words)
Control Code 6 : New destination position address (2 words)
Control Code 9 : The first word must be set as 1 and the second word as 0 (2 words)
Control Code 10 : 10 more words follow. These words have the same format as position data. The detail information of the position data are described in former section. Refer to that section.


n3 : Device memory where the result flags to be stored

The device memory must be a word. M, L, K, D area can be used with this instruction. After issuing the instruction, the result of execution is stored in this memory as following format.


High Byte : Error code will be stored
Low Byte : Flags representing execution status are stored.
Bit 0 : Processing the instruction.
Bit 1 : The execution of the instruction is completed.
Bit 2 : Error on execution of the instruction (this flag is set with bit 1)
Bit 3~7 : Reserved

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