Parameter - Positioning
The parameters must be configured appropriately according to the machine, applicable motors etc.
Basic Parameters
Axis | Description | Initial Value | Remark | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
0 | 50 | 100 | 150 | Speed limit (low word) | 200,000 | mm [x10-2mm/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 inch [x10-3inch/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 degree [x10-3deg/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 pulse [pulse/sec] : 1~1,000,000 |
1 | 51 | 101 | 151 | Speed limit (high word) | ||
2 | 52 | 102 | 152 | Bias speed (low word) | 1 | |
3 | 53 | 103 | 153 | Bias speed (high word) | ||
4 | 54 | 104 | 154 | Acceleration/Deceleration time #0 | 1,000 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms |
5 | 55 | 105 | 155 | Acceleration/Deceleration time #1 | 1,000 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms |
6 | 56 | 106 | 156 | Acceleration/Deceleration time #2 | 1,000 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms |
7 | 57 | 107 | 157 | Acceleration/Deceleration time #3 | 1,000 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms |
8 | 58 | 108 | 158 | Number of pulses per rotation | 20,000 | 1 ~ 65,535 pulse |
9 | 59 | 109 | 159 | Movement amount per rotation | 20,000 | 1 ~ 65,535 [x10-1 ㎛, x10-5 inch, x10-5 degree, pulse] |
10 | 60 | 110 | 160 | Pulse Output Mode (Bit 0 ~ 1) | 01 | 00 = PLS/DIR mode 01 = CW/CCW mode |
Unit setting (Bit 2 ~ 3) | 00 | 00 = pulse 01 = mm 10 = inch 11 = degree | ||||
Unit magnification (Bit 4 ~ 5) | 00 | 00 = x 1 01 = x 10 10 = x 100 11 = x 1000 | ||||
Rotation direction setting (Bit 6) | 0 | 0 = Increase address at forward rotate 1 = Increase address at reverse rotate |
Expanded Parameters
Axis | Description | Initial Value | Remark | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||||
11 | 61 | 111 | 161 | Software stroke limit upper limit (low word) | 2147483647 | -2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647 [x10-1 ㎛, x10-5 inch, x10-5 degree, pulse] | |
12 | 62 | 112 | 162 | Software stroke limit upper limit (high word) | |||
13 | 63 | 113 | 163 | Software stroke limit lower limit (low word) | -2147483647 | ||
14 | 64 | 114 | 164 | Software stroke limit lower limit (high word) | |||
15 | 65 | 115 | 165 | Backlash compensation amount | 0 | 0 ~ 65,535 [x10-1 ㎛, x10-5 inch, x10-5 degree, pulse] | |
16 | 66 | 116 | 166 | Positioning complete signal output time | 300 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms | |
17 | 67 | 117 | 167 | S-pattern ratio | 100 | 1 ~ 100 % | |
18 | 68 | 118 | 168 | External command function selection | 0 | 0 = Start 1 = Speed/Position switching 3 = Skip | |
19 | 69 | 119 | 169 | Sudden stop deceleration time | 1000 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms | |
20 | 70 | 120 | 170 | Acceleration/Deceleration pattern (Bit 0) | 0 | 0 = Trapezoidal, 1 = S-Pattern | |
M Code ON timing (Bit 1) | 0 | 0 = WITH mode 1 = AFTER mode | |||||
Current feed value during speed control (Bit 2 ~ 3) | 00 | 00 = Do not update 01 = Update 10 = Update after clear | |||||
Software limit detection during manual operation (Bit 4) | 0 | JOG, Inching, MPG 0 = allow, 1 = forbid | |||||
Software limit coordination (Bit 5) | 0 | 0 = Current Address. 1 = Machine Address | |||||
Speed/Position switching method (Bit 6) | 0 | 0 = by Incremental Coord. 1 = by Absolute Coord. | |||||
Use External command (Bit 7) | 0 | 0 = Not used 1 = Used | |||||
Use External STOP (Bit 8) | 0 | 0 = Not used 1 = Used | |||||
Sudden stop group #1 (Bit 9) | 0 | 0 = Normal Stop 1 = Sudden Stop | |||||
Sudden stop group #2 (Bit 10) | 0 | ||||||
Sudden stop group #3 (Bit 11) | 0 | ||||||
21 | 71 | 121 | 171 | Logical Input selection | Bit 00 : LMT U | 0 | 0 = Low Active 1 = High Active |
Bit 01 : LMT L | 0 | ||||||
Bit 02 : DOG | 0 | ||||||
Bit 03 : STOP | 0 | ||||||
Bit 04 : ECMD | 0 | ||||||
Bit 05 : RDY | 0 | ||||||
22 | 72 | 122 | 172 | JOG speed limit value (low word) | 20000 | mm [x10-2mm/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 inch [x10-3inch/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 degree [x10-3deg/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 pulse [pulse/sec] : 1~1,000,000 | |
23 | 73 | 123 | 173 | JOG speed limit value (high word) | |||
24 | 74 | 124 | 174 | JOG Operation acceleration time selection | 0 | 0 – 3 (Acc/Dec number) | |
25 | 75 | 125 | 175 | JOG Operation deceleration time selection | 0 | 0 – 3 (Acc/Dec number) |
OPR Parameters
Axis | Description | Initial Value | Remark | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
30 | 80 | 130 | 180 | OP address (low word) | 0 | -2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647 [x10-1 ㎛, x10-5 inch, x10-5 degree, pulse] |
31 | 81 | 131 | 181 | OP address (high word) | ||
32 | 82 | 132 | 182 | OPR speed (low word) | 20,000 | mm [x10-2mm/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 inch [x10-3inch/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 degree [x10-3deg/min] : 1~2,000,000,000 pulse [pulse/sec] : 1~1,000,000 |
33 | 83 | 133 | 183 | OPR speed (high word) | ||
34 | 84 | 134 | 184 | Creep speed (low word) | 2,000 | |
35 | 85 | 135 | 185 | Creep speed (high word) | ||
36 | 86 | 136 | 186 | OPR method (Bit 0 ~ 2) | 000 | 0(000) Detect zero after DOG OFF 1(001) Detect zero after deceleration when DOG ON 2(010) Detect limit and zero signal 3(011) Detect DOG |
OPR direction (Bit 3) | 0 | 0 = forward 1 = reverse | ||||
37 | 87 | 137 | 187 | OPR Acc/Dec number | 0 | 0 ~ 3 (Acc/Dec number) |
38 | 88 | 138 | 188 | OPR dwell time | 0 | 0 ~ 65,535 ms |
39 | 89 | 139 | 189 | OPR compensation (low word) | 0 | -2,147,483,648 ~ 2,147,483,647 [x10-1 ㎛, x10-5 inch, x10-5 degree, pulse] |
40 | 90 | 140 | 190 | OPR compensation (high word) | ||
41 | 91 | 141 | 191 | Deviation counter clear signal time | 50 | 1 ~ 65,535 ms |
Common Parameters
Axis | Description | Initial Value | Remark | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
200 | Pulse output Logic | 0 | 0 = High Active 1 = Low Active |