Automatic Loss in Weight Batch

Automatic Loss in Weight Batch

This batch control is weighed automatically by controlling the full flow and dribble flow signals. The batch is weighed by measuring the loss in weight as the material is discharged from the weighing hopper. The batch control is started by ‘Start (Y2/3/4/5)’ signal or "WGBATCH" instruction. And also, this batch needs ‘Tare (YA/B/C/D)’ input from sequence program during the progress. The batching data must firstly be configured by special program (load cell setting program) or written into the shared memory area of WG0nA module by sequence program. Following captured screen shows the parameters needed for configuring the ‘Automatic Loss in Weight Batch’ control. This dialog box can be shown in ‘Load cell setting program’.



Dribble Flow Weight

offset 98, 144, 190, 236

If the net weight is below this weight, the dribble flow gate signal is turned off.


Full Flow Weight

offset 100, 146, 192, 238

If the net weight is below this weight, the full flow gate signal is turned off.


Over Weight

offset 102, 148, 194, 240

If the net weight is below this weight, the over signal is turned on.


Under Weight

offset 104, 150, 196, 242

If the net weight is above this weight, the under signal is turned on.


Comparator Inhibit Time after full flow start / stop

Start offset 106, 152, 198, 244
Stop offset 107, 153, 199, 245

The comparator inhibit functions are to prevent gate vibration (or other factors) from causing jitter on the comparator, which may result in incorrect batching. The comparator is inhibited for the times specified after the full flow is started and stopped.
The unit of this field is 100 milli-seconds. That is, the value of 10 means 1 second.


Batching Complete Delay

offset 112, 158, 204, 250

This sets the delay time before compensation begins. The delay time is measured from the time that the dribble flow is turned off. If no compensation is required the batch will be complete after this delay has elapsed.
The unit of this field is 100 milli-seconds. That is, the value of 10 means 1 second.


Batching Limit Time

offset 113, 159, 205, 251

If the weighing does not finish within the set time after the start of the batch the error signal (XA/B/C/D) will be turned on and the batching time out flag (bit 12th) of status word will be turned on. These signals will go off when the error clear command is issued.
This function may be disabled by specifying 0 for the time limit. And the unit of this field is 100 milli-seconds. That is, the value of 10 means 1 second.


Min. Hopper Weight / Max. Hopper Weight

Min. Hopper Weight offset 96, 142, 188, 234
Max. Hopper Weight offset 114, 160, 206, 252

After the starting with Y2/3/4/5 signal of automatic loss in weight batch, WG0nA module checks the gross weight of hopper. If the gross weight is under the ‘Min. Hopper Weight’, the ‘Hopper Gate’ bit (Bit 6) of control signal (offset 3, 18, 33, 48) is turned on. This signal is turned on until the gross weight is increased to the value of ‘Max. Hopper Weight’.
If the gross weight is above of the Min. Hopper Weight, the ‘Tare’ (YA/B/C/D) signal should be turned on for the progress of batch control. Remaining batch control is performed based on net weight (offset 10, 25, 40, 55).




Gate Open / Closing Time and Target Weight : Compensation

Gate open time offset : 108, 154, 200, 246
Gate close time offset : 109, 155, 201, 247
Target weight offset : 110, 156, 202, 248

If the net weight is above the under weight set point after the dribble flow has been turned off, compensation is performed. The dribble flow signal is turned on (for the gate open time) and off (for the gate closing time) repeatedly until the compensation target is reached. The net weight is compared against the target weight after the gate closing time has elapsed. If the gate open or closing times are set to zero no compensation is performed.
The units of ‘Gate Open / Closing Time’ fields are 100 milli-seconds. That is, the value of 10 means 1 second.

See the section ‘Automatic Normal Batch’ for Micro Flow Gate operation pattern.




The units of ‘Gate Open / Closing Time’ fields are 100 milli-seconds. That is, the value of 10 means 1 second.




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