Dynamic Weighing(Fluid Material)

Dynamic Weighing(Fluid Material)



This dynamic weighing batch program is supported by WG02D model only. WG02D model is specially tuned for weighing fluid object like egg, filled bottle etc at high speed (typical speed : 0.5 sec). Measured weight of fluid object has a special characteristic. Series of measured values have wave pattern. A measuring idea can be suggested by this characteristic. Actual weight of the object would be located at the middle point of minimum and maximum wave cycle approximately.



Total Sampling Size (1..100)

offset 98, 144, 190, 236
Designate the total number of wave cycles for processing the dynamic weighing. WG02D module samples maximum and minimum value pairs of each cycle up to this set value. This parameter can be decided by heuristic method.


Number of Discarding Data (0..99)

offset 99, 145, 191, 237
If there can be unstable cycles during the beginning of measurement, this parameter can be used for discarding them. It can be useful for enhancing accuracy. WG02D module calculates the final weight with remaining cycle data.


External Trigger Input Debounce Time (0..100 mSec)

offset 100, 146, 192, 238
This parameter is useful for rejecting the noise on external trigger input. The input pulse which has shorter pulse width than this value will be ignored.


Use External Trigger Input

offset 101, 147, 193, 239
It should be set as ‘1’ which enables the external trigger input port.


Minimum Effective Weight

offset 102, 148, 194, 240
It is useful to remove the initial unstable data of each weighing object from average calculation. Designate the lower limit weight for average calculation here.

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