Basic Configuration with Special Program

Basic Configuration with Special Program



Weighing Mode

[Configuration data location] Offset 70, 116, 162, 208 of shared memory.
WGnnX module provides 7 different operating modes. Choose one of following modes. The more precise information of each batch control will be described in next section. (Batch Program section)

Indicator Mode : Most simple operating mode. This mode provides the measured weight only and has no control functionality.

  • Automatic normal batching : A batch is weighed automatically by controlling the full flow and dribble flow signals.

  • Automatic loss in weight batching : A batch is weighed automatically by controlling the full flow and dribble flow signals. The batch is weighed by measuring the loss in weight as the material is discharged from the weighing hopper.

  • User controlled normal batching : This mode performs normal batch weighing but the comparator output is dependant only on the current weight data. This mode, while being more flexible than the automatic mode, is more difficult to implement as the full flow and dribble flow signals must be turned off by a sequence program before the hopper is discharged. No compensation is performed.

  • User controlled loss in weight batching : This mode performs loss in weight batching but the comparator output is dependant only on the current weight data. This mode, while being more flexible than the automatic mode, is more difficult to implement. No compensation is performed.

  • Comparator Mode : This mode performs comparison only. 4 set points (low-low, low, high, high-high) and 4 comparator output signals are provided. These output signals can be used as a kind of alarm signal.

  • Weight Sorting : This mode performs comparison only. But, 7 set points and 8 comparator output signals are provided. And at anytime, only one of 8 output signals will be turned on.


Min. Scale

[Configuration data location] Offset 71, 117, 163, 209 of shared memory.
Set the display digit span value. For example, if set value was ‘5’, measured weight will be displayed as 0, 5, 10, 15 ... so on.


Max. Weight

[Configuration data location] Offset 72, 118, 164, 210 of shared memory.
Maximum weight that the loadcell can measure.


Near Zero Range

[Configuration data location] Offset 74, 120, 166, 212 of shared memory.
Valid set range : within 1% of Max. Weight.
If current measured weight is within this range, the zero signal will be turned on.


Digital Filter Constant

[Configuration data location] Offset 82, 128, 174, 220 of shared memory.
Valid set value (%) : 0 - 90 %
WG0nA module has a digital filter for removing the noise from loadcell output signal. This filter can be described as the following fomula.

Dnf = Dn + α(Dnf-1 – Dn)
Dn : Current Sampling Data
Dnf : Current Filtered Data
Dnf-1 : Previous Filtered Data
α : Filter Constant (%)

This field requires the value of α in percent. If this value is zero, the digital filter will not be applied to the measured data.


Avr. Window Size and Time

[Configuration data location] Offset 81, 127, 173, 219 of shared memory.



Valid set value for Windows Size :
3 - 15 Samples (WGnnA)
0 - 250 SAmples (WG02C/D/E)
Valid set value for Time :
1 -250 mSec.

The weight data that can be used in batch control and sequence program is the average of a number of AD samples. This parameter sets the number of samples for the average and the sampling time between each sampled data. The number of samples used does not affect the update rate of the weight data, because the average is a ‘moving window’ type as shown in following figure.
If the set value is zero, the averaging function will not be activated.




Stable Range & Time

[Configuration data location] Offset 75, 121, 167, 213 of shared memory.
Valid set range : within 1% of Max. Weight.

[Configuration data location] Offset 76, 122, 168, 214 of shared memory.
Valid set time (unit of 100 msec) : 1 – 100 (100msec – 10,000msec)

A weight which does not change within the specified range for the time specified is considered to be stable and the stable output will be set to ON.
If one of these set values is zero, the stable detect function will not be activated.


Auto Zero Range & Time

[Configuration data location] Offset 77, 123, 169, 215 of shared memory.
Valid set range : within 1% of Max. Weight.

[Configuration data location] Offset 78, 124, 170, 216 of shared memory.
Valid set time (unit of 100 msec) : 1 – 100 (100msec – 10,000msec)

The auto zero function removes the zero drift in the system by periodically rezeroing the measured weight when it is near zero. The auto zero range is the maximum zero shift that will be corrected and the time period is the minimum time between corrections. If the measured weight shifts from zero to a value outside the auto zero range (within the zero time period) the weight will not be rezeroed.
If one of these set values is zero, the auto zeroing function will not be activated.


Hysteresis Range & Time

[Configuration data location] Offset 79, 125, 171, 217 of shared memory.
Valid set range : within 1% of Max. Weight.

[Configuration data location] Offset 80, 126, 172, 218 of shared memory.
Valid set time (unit of 100 msec) : 1 – 100 (100msec – 10,000msec)

The hysteresis function suppresses flicker of the measured weight data. If the weight changes, within the range specified, and returns to the previous value within the time limit specified the measured weight data will not be affected.
If one of these set values is zero, the hysteresis function will not be activated.


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