Initialization Program on a Local Base - TC Module

Initialization Program on a Local Base - TC Module

Configuration :
The case that TC04A is mounted on Slot 4 of a local base (5-slot base)




Initial Setup :

Used Channel

Channel 1

Channel 2

TC Type



Digital Output Type



Max. Temp. Input Value



Min. Temp. Input Value




Explanation for Program :
The value set up to buffer memory is inputted as TO command.

Channel 1 uses an initially set value (-200~1200oC) as max. and min. temp. and Channel 2 uses the range (-100~500oC).(The min. and max. value are converted to digital values from 0 to 16000.)

Flag requesting to set up operation condition is on.

After making sure
Flag indicating operation condition set up of the AD module is 0, flag requesting operation condition is off.


If flag requesting to set up an operation condition is set and reset, a TC module is operated with the set values inputted to buffer memory by TO command. Otherwise, it is continuously operated with previously set values.

The initialization of an analog module can be set up in the optional card setup.

Program :




Row 0 : Converting Channel 1 and 2 is enabled.
Row 1 : Channel 1: Type K, Channel 2: Type J
Row 2 : Data for setting up TC type
Row 3 : Channel 1: -192~16191, Channel 2: -8192~8191 Setting up digital input type
Row 4 : Maximum temperature input value for Channel 2 -> 600oC
Row 5 : Minimum temperature input value for Channel 2 -> -100oC
Row 6 : Set maximum and minimum temperature data is for Channel 2.
Row 7 : Requesting to set up operation condition(Y42) is set.
Row 8 : When indicating operation condition set up(X4A) is on falling edge, requesting to set up operation condition(Y4A) is reset-> The set values of a TC module has been changed.
Row 9 : end

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