OPR Parameters

OPR Parameters

OPR is used to return a machine system at any position other than the OP to the OP. For normal operation of OPR, the parameters in this section will be configured properly.


OP Address

Set the address used as the reference point for positioning control. When the machine OPR is completed, the stop position address is changed to this address.


OPR Speed

Set the speed to be used in ‘Fast OPR’ stage. This speed must be less than ‘Speed Limit’ value and faster than the ‘Creep speed’.


Creep Speed

Set the speed to be used in ‘Creep speed’ stage. This speed must be equal to or faster than the ‘Bias Speed’.


OPR Method

CM1-PSnnX supports 4 types of OPR.

[ ZERO Detect after DOG OFF ]



When the OPR instruction is issued, PSnnX performs a fast OPR with the designated direction in ‘OPR direction’. When the DOG signal is detected as ON, PSnnX switches the speed to the ‘Creep speed’. The ‘Creep speed’ will be continued until when the first ZERO signal detected after DOG signal OFF.

[ ZERO Detect while DOG ON ]




When the OPR instruction is issued, PSnnX performs a fast OPR with the designated direction in ‘OPR direction’. When the DOG signal is detected as ON, PSnnX switches the speed to the ‘Creep speed’. The ‘Creep speed’ will be continued until when the first ZERO signal detected while DOG signal is ON.

[ ZERO Detect after Hardware Limit Signal ]




When the OPR instruction is issued, PSnnX performs a fast OPR with the designated direction in ‘OPR direction’. When one of the hardware limit signal is detected as ON, PSnnX changes the direction and move backward with Creep speed. This backward movement will be continued until when the first ZERO signal is detected.

[ Only with DOG Signal ]




When the OPR instruction is issued, PSnnX performs a fast OPR with the designated direction in ‘OPR direction’. When the DOG signal is detected as ON, PSnnX will change the speed to ‘Creep Speed’. Forward movement will be continued until when the DOG signal changes from ON to OFF. After the detection of DOG signal OFF, PSnnX will change the movement direction to backward. And this movement will be continued until the DOG signal ON again.


OPR Direction

Set the direction to start movement when starting machine OPR.


OPR Dwell Time

This setting is used when the OPR movement is completed. After this time the ‘OPR complete’ signal will be issued.


OPR Compensation

After returning to the machine OP, this function compensates the position by the designated distance from the machine OP position and sets that position as the OP address. If there is a physical limit to the OP position, such as the near-point dog installation position, use this function to compensate the OP to an optimum position.




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