

This instruction starts the positioning control of the designated axis of the PSnnX.




n1 : Base and slot number

This parameter specifies which module the instruction to be issued.




High Byte : Base Number (00h ~ 10h, 00h : local base)
Low Byte : Slot Number (00h ~ 0Bh)


n2 : Number of position data

n2 parameter specifies the position number to be executed. The position data specified by this number must be stored in flash memory of PSnnX.
1~600 : Position data number
9001 : Machine OPR
9002 : Fast OPR
9003 : Change the current position address
9004 : Multiple axis simultaneous start


n3 : Device memory where the result flags to be stored

The device memory must be a word. M, L, K, D area can be used with this instruction. After issuing the instruction, the result of execution is stored in this memory as following :



High Byte : Error code will be stored
Low Byte : Flags representing execution status are stored.
Bit 0 : Processing the instruction.
Bit 1 : The execution of the instruction is completed.
Bit 2 : Error on execution of the instruction (this flag is set with bit 1)
Bit 3~7 : Reserved

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