Maximum Temperature input value (Buffer memory address "41~48")

Maximum Temperature input value (Buffer memory address "41~48")

Maximum and Minimum temperature SET data (Buffer memory address "49")
Maximum and Minimum setting Error (Buffer memory address "50")
Minimum temperature input value (Buffer memory address "51"~"58")

Input maximum and minimum temperature that user wants.
In order for maximum or minimum set value to be effective, make sure to set corresponding bit for temperature SET data (Address "49") for set channel to 1 and turn the request (Y02) for storing set value ON/OFF.
For Maximum and Minimum setting Error, if minimum value inputted by user is larger than maximum value, bit for corresponding channel becomes 1
Initial value is set to maximum and minimum value for temperature measurement range.
Because maximum and minimum variations that are inputted by user is stored in EEPROM, the module is operated by previous set value even after power is turned ON and then OFF
If maximum value is smaller than minimum value, error occurs.

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