Download module

Download module

All configuration data in configuration window can be downloaded to the PSnnX module. Use the menu ‘Tool’ – ‘Position Module’ – ‘Download’. For this operation, CICON must be in on-line status.




When the download menu is activated, following dialog box quires about the type of configuration data to be downloaded. Some of configuration data can be skipped to download by un-checking the item.




Check the ’Write to flash memory after download’ item to save the configuration data in flash memory of PSnnX. If the data is downloaded without checking this item, the data is stored in RAM only. In that case, all the configuration data will be returned to the original data stored in flash memory after power off and on. It is useful when a number of trials are needed without affecting original configuration data.

*Downloading the positioning parameters (CICON project included) to CM1 CPU (XP and CP series) can only be possible by Loader port and USB port.
It is not recommended to download by Ethernet connection even if an Ethernet module (EC01A, EC10A, EC10B, EC10C) is added to CM1 CPU series.

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