Processing Sent/Received Data under PLC Link

Processing Sent/Received Data under PLC Link

An Example is taken to explain how data are processed when they are sent or received under PLC Link.

Sending Party : This is used to set up the data read, what number data is sent to, data size and sending interval to a sending party in broadcasting method.
Receiving Party : This is used to set up station number and the block number of sent data to a receiving party in broadcasting method to receive desired data.

Station 0 sends the data of Device D0000,
Station 1 requests the received data every 100ms and stores them in Device Y0000.




The block number of a sending party and the one of a receiving party are the same as 0, and the station number of a sending party is set up like the one of the receiving party as 0. In this condition, the receiving party can receive every 100ms the data sent from the sending party every 100ms. Though the sending party sends the data of 10-word size, the receiving party selects and receives the necessary data of 4-word size. But, the size of the sent data is to be as same as or less than the one of the received data.

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