Setting up PLC Link Parameter - Ethernet Module

Setting up PLC Link Parameter - Ethernet Module

To run PLC Link and to exchange data between communication modules, the parameter is to be set up in the CICON.


Creating a Project in the CICON

Select the menu to run the CICON and to open a corresponding project.

Picture. Select the "PLC Link"




Setting up the PLC Link Parameter

Selecting the PLC Link Parameter
If you select the PLC Link on the window like [Picture. Select the "PLC Link"], a PLC Link dialog box to set up the parameters will appear.
Link(0), Link(1), Link(2) and Link(3) on the top of [Picture 6-2. PLC Link Setup] mean the maximum number of mounted communication modules according to PLC CPU.
Up to 4 communication modules can be set up for one CPU.

Setting up the PLC Link Type
The PLC Link Type is used to set up basic items such as network type, base, slot number, station number and so on.

Picture. PLC Link Setup




This is used to set up the type of the communication module for PLC Link. If you do not use PLC Link, select the Not Use. Here, select the Ethernet (Exclusive).

This is used to select the base where the communication module for PLC Link is mounted. For example, if not base expansion (The base where a expansion card is mounted), select the Local. If base expansion (The base where a expansion card is mounted), select the Expansion Base where the communication module is mounted.

This is used to select the slot number of the base where a communication module is mounted.


Setting up the communication block for PLC Link
Communication Block is used to register the information about sending/receiving real data. If you select the Ethernet (Exclusive) as the Network and the Add button in Picure. PLC Link Setup, a Communication Block dialog box will appear like Picture. Communication Block Setup.

Picture. Communication Block Setup



When communication modules communicate each other, this is used to send a selected block.

When communication modules communicate each other, this is used to receive a selected block.



Station No.
When communication modules communicate each other, in case of sending data, it is not necessary to set up station number. But, in case of receiving data, the station number of a receiving communication module is to be selected. The station number can be set up in the range from 0 to 63.

Block No.
The communication modules for a sending party communicate with each peculiar block number. In the same way, the communication modules for a receiving party have each peculiar block number to receive data. Receiving block number is used to detect the data that a receiving party wants together with the station number when a party communicates with a sending party. But, the block number can be set up in the range from 0 to 31. To receive the data of a sending party, the same number is to be set up as the block number for the sending party and the block number for a receiving party.

Receiving Interval
Receiving interval, a parameter to decide the interval at which data are sent, can be set up in the range from 50 ms to 3 sec according to users’ need. For example, if 50 ms is set up as sending interval, data will be sent every 50ms.

Device To Pick Up Data Sent & Device To Store The Received Data (Address)

When sending: This is used to set up the device where the data sent are read.
When receiving: This is used to set up the device where the received data are stored.

Device To Pick Up Data Sent & Device To Store The Received Data (Size)

This, the size of the data sent or received, can be set up by the word. But, the size is from one word to 64 words. If the data size of a sending device is greater than the size of the data set up to a receiving device, the necessary data as much as the size of the one set up to the receiving device can be received selectively and used.

[Ex.] The communication module of Station 0 sends Block 0, 1, 2 and 3, and receives Block 4, 5, 6 and 7. And the communication module of Station 1 sends Block 4, 5, 6, and 7, receives 0, 1, 2 and 3. An Ethernet card is mounted at Slot 4. Each data size is one word and the interval is 50 ms, 100 ms, 150 ms and 200 ms. Such case is taken as an example and the PLC link parameter for it is configured as follows.


Station 0



Sending Station : If the frame requesting to receive is sent from other station, the station number and the block numbers of the received frame will be compared with sending blocks. If they are in accord, the data for the corresponding sending blocks are sent to the station requesting to receive.

Receiving Station : The receiving frames are sent to the corresponding station at each receiving interval. The station receiving a sent frame makes sure whether there are corresponding blocks. If yes, the station sends the corresponding blocks. The receiving station stores the received data in the corresponding receiving device.

The IP address of a corresponding station is to be stored in user data device. (Refer to No. 128 User Data Device in the user data memory map.)


Station 1



Sending Station : If the frame requesting to receive is sent from other station, the station number and the block numbers of a received frame will be compared with sending blocks. If they are in accord, the data for the corresponding sending blocks are sent to the station requesting to receive.

Receiving Station : The receiving frames are sent to the corresponding station at each receiving interval. The station receiving a sent frame makes sure whether there are corresponding blocks. If yes, the station sends the corresponding blocks. The receiving station stores the received data in the corresponding receiving device.

The IP address of a corresponding station should be stored in user data device. (Refer to No. 128 User Data Device in the user data memory map.)

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