Counter Types

Counter Types

  1. Linear Counter
    If count value reaches the maximum value (2,147,483,647) while incrementing, Carry occurs.
    If count value reaches the minimum value (-2,147,483,648) while decrementing, Borrow occurs.
    If Carry occurs, counting stops and it will no longer increment. But decrementing is possible.
    If Borrow occurs, counting stops and it will no longer decrement. But incrementing is possible.


  2. Ring Counter
    The Range of Ring Counter: from 0 to user-defined maximum value

Ring Increment Count
If count value exceeds the user-defined maximum value during the increment count, ‘Carry’ occurs and count operation will continue from 0.
Carry flag is maintained until the reverse pulse input is entered.


Ring Decrement Count
If count value reaches 0 during the decrement count, ‘Borrow’ occurs and count operation will continue from the user-defined maximum value.
Borrow flag is maintained until the reverse pulse input is entered.

If present count value exceeds user-defined range when setting up the Ring Count, it is considered as a user’s mistake. Therefore, error occurs and it operates the Linear Counter.

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