Counter Input mode

The following describes the counter input mode.

Input Method

A Phase Input

B Phase Input


1 Phase

2 Multiplication

Direction Input

(Low Active)

Pulse Input

When A phase is low : Up Count

When A phase is high : Down Count

1 Phase

2 Multiplication

Direction Input

(High Active)

Pulse Input

When A phase is high : Up Count

When A phase is low : Down Count

2 Phase

2 Multiplication

A Phase Pulse Input

B Phase Pulse Input

When A is antecedent to B : Up Count

When B is antecedent to A : Down Count

2 Phase

4 Multiplication

A Phase Pulse Input

B Phase Pulse Input

When A is antecedent to B : Up Count

When B is antecedent to A : Down Count

1 Phase 2 Multiplication (Low Active)
The increase / decrease direction of the count is dependent on the A phase input state.
1 Phase 2 Multiplication input method is not recommended for a system that requires a frequent change in direction because count value is made by A phase signal. For a precise measurement, 2 Phase 2 Multiplication or 2 Phase 4 Multiplication should be used.




1 Phase 2 Multiplication (High Active)
The increase / decrease direction of the count is dependent on the A phase input state.
1 Phase 2 Multiplication input method is not recommended for a system that requires a frequent change in direction because count value is made by A phase signal. For a precise measurement, 2 Phase 2 Multiplication or 2 Phase 4 Multiplication should be used.




2 Phase 2 Multiplication
The count is processed when the input signal of the A phase changes. The increase/decrease direction of the count is dependent on the state of the phase B signal at the moment when the A phase signal changes.



2 Phase 4 Multiplication
The count is processed each time input signals for both A phase and B phase change. The direction of the changing signal and state of the opponent signal determine whether to increment or decrement the count.