Channel Settings
If the user double clicks the channel or after selecting the channel and clicking
in the module setup window, AD MUX Channel Setup pops up as below.
Channel Enable/Disable: Select the check box to Enable the channel and deselect to disable.
Relay On time settings : 0~10000 (0.1 ~ 1000 seconds)
Click "OK" after the set-up is complete
Select the entire channels as below and then click to configure the settings all at once.
Click for the Mux module to be able to operate by the configured settings.
A message "Set value was written to PLC" shows up in the message display window.
Configured values get saved in the flash memory so that even when the power restarts, the saved settings don’t get changed. Button reads the current values that has been set from the Mux module.
Save after enabling the entire channels
Select the entire channels and click to reset the counter.
Click on the settings windows to have a pop-up window as follows
Select "Yes" button to change to the manual mode and the button on the right hand side changes to