General - A/D Converters(AD08VI/AD16VI)
General - A/D Converters(AD08VI/AD16VI)
Features :
CM1-AD08VI supports 8 channels for A/D conversion
CM1-AD16VI supports 16 channels for A/D conversion
Supports wide range of voltage and current inputs
Current: 0~20mA, 4~20mA
Voltage: 0~5V, 1~5V, -10~10V, 0~10V
Converts AD input signal into the assigned digital value range.
14-bit resolution: 0~16000, -8000~8000, Regular Value, 0~10000 (Percentage)
Supports wide range of voltage and current outputs
Current: 0~20mA, 4~20mA
Voltage: 0~5V, 1~5V, -10~10V, 0~10V
Configuring the digital filter value (internal) provides an accurate measured value.
Average processing is available via sampling interval (Time) and Average WIN size (Samples).
Multiple AD modules can be used in a system. (Unlimited)
Module Compatibility Info :