Details of Command
Read Word Data
This is used to read the data in the word device of a PLC. (Max. 63 words)
Device Symbol: X, Y, M, L, K, F, Z, TC, TS, CC, CS, D, S
Request Frame (Master)
Data Device Format
Address 8 Char | Size (Word) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | ...... | Address 8 Char | Size (Word) Hexadecimal, 2 Char |
[Master(Request Format)]
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 02 | R | 0A | D0000001 01 | B9 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 32H | 52H | 30H | 41H | 4430303030303031 3031H | 42H | 39H | 04H |
Leng is the length of a data and its value means the length of a data (D0000001 01).
Data means the address really read (D0000001) and the length of the word data read (01).
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame (Slave)
COMMAND (In completed case: ‘R’ / In failed case: ‘E’)
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
PLC Data
Word Data 4 Char | Word Data 4 Char | ...... | Word Data 4 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | R | 04 | F4AC | B4 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 52H | 30H | 34H | 46344143H | 42H | 34H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘R’. (* Leng means the length of a data (F4AC).
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 02 | 09 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3032H | 30H | 39H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’. (*Leng means the length of error code(02).)
Error code displays the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] Read data from Address D00040 of Station 02H.
Master (Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 02 | R | 0A | D0000040 01 | BC | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 32H | 52H | 30H | 41H | 4430303030303430 3031H | 42H | 43H | 04H |
Completed Case> reads 1-word data ‘F4AC’
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | R | 04 | F4AC | B4 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 52H | 30H | 34H | 46344143H | 42H | 34H | 03H |
Failed Case> Error in BCC
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 02 | 09 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3032H | 30H | 39H | 03H |
Write Word Data
This is used to write a data to the word device of a PLC.
Device Symbol: X, Y, M, L, K, F, Z, TC, TS, CC, CS, D, S
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Address 8 Char | Size (Word) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | Word Data Hexadecimal, Size*4 Char | ....... | Address 8 Char | Size (Word) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | Word Data Hexadecimal, Size*4 Char |
[Master (Request Format)]
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 02 | W | 0E | D0000010 01 FA34 | B0 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 32H | 57H | 30H | 45H | 4430303030303130 3031 46413334H | 42H | 30H | 04H |
Leng is the length of a data and its value means the length of the Data (D0000010 01 FA34).
The address really written (D0000010), the length of the data (01) and the data written (FA34) are input in the Data (D1000 02 FA34).
BCC is the remainder value (F3) when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘W’ / In failed case: ‘E’ )
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
No Data
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | W | 00 | B7 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 57H | 30H | 30H | 42H | 37H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘W’.
Leng means the length of a data.
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 01 | 08 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3031H | 30H | 38H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the length of Error Code(01).
Error code displays the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[ [Ex.] Write FA34H to Address D0010 and 8D41H to Address D0020. ]
Master (Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 02 | W | 12 | D0000010 02 FA34 8D41 | AF | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 32H | 57H | 31H | 32H | 4430303030303130 3032 46413334 38443431H | 41H | 46H | 04H |
Completed Case>
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | W | 0 | B7 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 57H | 30H | 30H | 42H | 37H | 03H |
Failed Case>Receiving unknown command code (01H).
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 01 | 08 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3031H | 30H | 38H | 03H |
Read Bit Data
This is used to read the data in the bit device of a PLC.
Device Symbol: X, Y, M, L, K, F, Z, T, C
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Address 8 Char | Size (Bit) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | ....... | Address 8 Char | Size (Bit) Hexadecimal, 2 Char |
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 03 | r | 0A | M000010F 02 | F9 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 33H | 72H | 30H | 41H | 4D303030313030 46 3032H | 46H | 39H | 04H |
Leng is the length of a data and its value means the length of Data (M000010F 02H).
The address really read(M000010F) and the length of the data(02) are input in the Data.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘r’ / In failed case: ‘E’ )
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
PLC Data
Bit Data 1 Char | Bit Data 1 Char | ...... | Bit Data 1 Char |
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | r | 02 | 0 1 | 35 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 72H | 30H | 32H | 30 31H | 33H | 35H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘r’.
Leng(02) means the length of the Data(0 1).
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 03 | E | 02 | 01 | 08 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 33H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3031H | 30H | 38H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the length of Error Code(01).
Error code indicates the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] Read the bit data in Address M0104 and Address M0105 of Station 03 PLC.
Master (Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 03 | r | 0A | M0000104 02 | E7 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 33H | 72H | 30H | 41H | 4D3030303031 3034 3032H | 45H | 37H | 04H |
Completed Case > Reads Data ‘0 1’.
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 03 | r | 02 | 0 1 | 35 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 33H | 72H | 30H | 32H | 30 31H | 33H | 35H | 03H |
Failed Case > Error in BCC
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 03 | E | 02 | 02 | 09 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 33H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3032H | 30H | 39H | 03H |
Write Bit Data
This is used to write data to the bit device of a PLC.
Device Symbol : X, Y, M, L, K, F, Z, T, C
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Address 8 Char | Size (Bit) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | Bit Data Size*1 Char | ....... | Address 8 Char | Size (Bit) Hexadecimal, 2 Char | Bit Data Size*1 Char |
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 03 | w | 0D | M0000101 03 110 | 82 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 33H | 77H | 30H | 42H | 4D303030303130 31 3033 313130H | 38H | 32H | 04H |
Leng(0B) is the length of data and its value means the length of Data (M0000101 03 110).
The address really written(M0000101), the length of the data(03) and the data written(110) are input in the Data.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘w’ / In failed case: ‘E’)
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
No Data
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 03 | w | 00 | D7 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 33H | 77H | 30H | 30H | 44H | 37H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘w’.
Leng(00) means the length of the data.
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 04 | 0B | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3034H | 30H | 42H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the length of Error Code (04).
Error code indicates the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] Write bit data to Bit Address M0104.
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | w | 0D | M0000104 03 110 | 82 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 77H | 30H | 44H | 4D303030303130 34 3033 313130H | 38H | 32H | 04H |
Completed Case
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | w | 00 | D7 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 77H | 30H | 30H | 44H | 37H | 03H |
Failed Case> Data Size Overflow
Slave (Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 04 | 0B | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3034H | 30H | 42H | 03H |
Change PLC Mode
This is used to change the operation mode of a PLC.
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Mode Code |
Mode | Code |
Run | 0 |
Program | 1 |
Pause/Remote | 2 |
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | M | 01 | 0 | DE | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 4DH | 30H | 31H | 30H | 44H | 45H | 04H |
Leng(01) is the length of data.
Mode code value(0) is input in the Data(0).
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Only the case CPU is under REMOTE status is available.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘M’ / In failed case: ‘E’ )
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
No Data
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | M | 00 | AD | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 4DH | 30H | 30H | 41H | 44H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘M’.
Leng(00) means the length of the data.
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 02 | E | 02 | 03 | 0A | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3033H | 30H | 41H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the length of Error Code (03).
Error code indicates the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] Change the operation mode of a PLC to PAUSE/REMOTE mode.
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | M | 01 | 2 | E0 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 4DH | 30H | 31H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 04H |
Completed Case
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | M | 00 | AD | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 4DH | 30H | 30H | 41H | 44H | 03H |
Failed Case > Invalid mode
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 03 | 0A | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3033H | 30H | 41H | 03H |
Register Monitoring Device
This is used to register a monitoring device.
16 devices can be registered as maximum. (Distinguishing by Frame No., 0h – Fh)
Individual device should be continuous and is limited to 63 words as maximum.
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Frame No. 1 Char | Word Address 8 Char | Word Size Hexadecimal, 2 Char |
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT | ||
ENQ | 01 | X | 0B | 0 | D0000001 | 02 | C0 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 58H | 30H | 42H | 30H | 4430303030303031H | 3032H | 43H | 30H | 04H |
Leng(0B) is the length of a data.
The Mode code(0), the Address(D0000001) and the Size(02) are input in the Data (0 D00001 02).
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘X’ / In failed case: ‘E’)
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
No Data
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | X | 00 | B8 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 58H | 30H | 30H | 42H | 38H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘X’.
Leng(00) means the length of the data.
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 07 | 0E | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3037H | 30H | 45H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the number of Error Codes (07).
Error code indicates the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] Register Frame 1 and Addresses from D0011 to D0014 to Station 1.
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | X | 0B | 1 D0000011 04 | C5 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 58H | 30H | 42H | 31 443030303030 3131 3034H | 43H | 35H | 04H |
Completed Case
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | X | 00 | B8 | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 58H | 30H | 30H | 42H | 38H | 03H |
Failed Case > Invalid Monitor Frame No.(0h~Fh)
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 07 | 0E | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3037H | 30H | 45H | 03H |
Read Monitoring Device
This is used to read the registered monitoring device.
Request Frame
Format of Data Device
Frame No. 1 Char |
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | Y | 01 | 0 | EA | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 59H | 30H | 31H | 30H | 45H | 41H | 04H |
Leng(01) is the length of a data.
Frame No. is input in the Data(0).
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
Response Frame
COMMAND ( In completed case: ‘Y’ / In failed case: ‘E’ )
Format of Data Device
[Completed Case]
Frame No. | Word Data 4 Char | ...... | Word Data 4 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | Y | 05 | 0 87F3 | D6 | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 59H | 30H | 35H | 30 38374633H | 44H | 36H | 04H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is processed, Cmd is ‘Y’.
Leng(05) means the length of the Data(0 87F3).
[Failed Case]
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 08 | 0F | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 31H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3038H | 30H | 46H | 03H |
The request frame received from a master is used as the response frame of a PLC.
BCC is the remainder value when dividing the binary-sum from Cmd to the end of data by 256.
As the response frame is not processed, Cmd is ‘E’.
Leng(02) means the length of Error Code(08H).
Error code indicates the type of an error. Please refer to the ‘ERROR RESPONSE’.
[Ex.] If Frame 2h, Address D1005 and Address D1006 are registered as a monitoring device, read the registered device.
Master(Request Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | Y | 01 | 2 | EC | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 59H | 30H | 31H | 32H | 45H | 43H | 04H |
Completed Case
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Data | BCC H | BCC L | EOT |
ENQ | 01 | Y | 09 | 2 87F3 32E7 | BD | EOT | |||
05H | 30H | 31H | 59H | 30H | 39H | 32 38374633 33324537H | 42H | 44H | 04H |
Failed Case > Number of the unregistered(Not initialized) frame
Slave(Response Format)
HEADER | Stn H | Stn L | Cmd | Leng H | Leng L | Error Code | BCC H | BCC L | ETX |
STX | 01 | E | 02 | 08 | 0F | ETX | |||
02H | 30H | 32H | 45H | 30H | 32H | 3038H | 30H | 46H | 03H |
Error Response
This is the function to inform a master of error occurring in the process of a communication frame or a request frame and is used in a response frame only.
Request Frame
All request frames
Response Frame
Format of Data Device
Error Code
Error Code 2 Char |
Error Code | Description |
01 | Receives unknown command code. |
02 | An error occurs in BCC. |
03 | CPU does not respond. |
04 | Receives unknown device code. |
05 | Exceeds the device read. |
06 | Invalid address. |
07 | Internal error |
08 | Receives the number of invalid data |
09 | Invalid data |
10 | Unregistered (Not initialized) frame number |
11 | Invalid Monitor Frame No. (0h – Fh) Invalid frame number |
12 | CPU is not in REMOTE status. |
13 | Invalid CPU status is assigned. |
14 | An error occurs in the size of the data written. |
15 | It is disabled to write. |
16 | It is disabled to change mode. |