Find and Replace

It is used to search device address or comments in ladder Logic program.


Click the Rung where you want to start finding.



 Click Search and then click Find and Replace.  Write device or comments that you want to find out.

Device : It finds out only device address.

 String : It finds out only Comments. (Capital / Small letter)



If you click  [>>] there are more detailed options as follows.

You can choose the direction and data type for Device search.




 Click Find Next.

    If it finds out a device or a comment, the cursor will move to that device or comment.



If you want to replace a device or comment to others, click Replace tab.




Change M00 device to M01

Type M00 at Find what and M01 at Replace with.

Click Replace All or Replace



Pop-up message appear as follows and device M00 is replaced to M01.




 If you click [>>], there are more detailed options as follows.

Range (Step) : It finds and replaces in the set range. (Device only)

Replace with range : It replaces device from starting device address.

W : Word, B : Bit





Icon for Find and Replace


In order to use Search icon, click View -> Tool Bar and choose Search.

Type a device or comment and click icon for quick search.