Enter Ladder Logic

Enter Ladder Logic


LD Edit ToolBar

To enter ladder logic, you have the following options

Erase : Delete logic elements or Instructions

Normally Open Contact : If the bit is On(1) then the Coil turns the On(1)

Normally Closed Contact : If the bit is Off(0) then the Coil turns the On(1)

Coil : An output instruction that controls one bit of data.

Vertical Line : Add vertical line (It connects branch to branch)

Delete Vertical Line : Delete Vertical Line




Enter Ladder Logic

Add a Rung : Click Edit → Insert Row or press Ctrl+L, Rung is added at the below of Blue cursor.

Click Edit → Insert Next Row or press Ctrl+Enter, Rung is added at the above of Blue cursor.



Click (Positive Transition-Sensing Contact) or press F7 and then type X0000.



 If you want to register variable description with name, use Variable Editor window.





Click (Coil) or press F9 and type M0000.




 Click Edit → Insert Row or press Ctrl+L to add Rung and click (Normally Open Contact) or press F5 and then type Y0010.


 Click (Normally Closed Contact) or press F6 and type M0000.


Click (Coil) or press F9 and type Y0010.


Click Edit → Insert Row or press Ctrl+L.


Click and type Y0010.


Click and type M0000 and then press Ctrl+↑ to add vertical line.




Now this example shows a parallel branch with two levels.


Click PEND Rung and press Ctrl+L to add a Rung. 


Click (Application Instruction) or press F10 and then type END to finish developing ladder logic.


Click File → Save Program or click


If program is saved completely, red vertical line disappears.




Click Tool → CICON Options and CICON Configuration pops up.

Click LD Editor Tab to change the LD Editor setting.




If you choose Show LD Editor Toolbar and do not choose Do not insert “END” in New LD Program, a new scan program appears as below picture.



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