Tag Information
Open [Database] in CimonD. Here you can find [About Database Manager] menu on [Help] dropdown menu. In the pop-up window, you can check the version of database manager and the information of registered tags in the project.
Total tags consist of group tags, digital tags, analog tags and string tags.
E.g.) Total tags (977) = Group tags (69) + Digital tags (494) + Analog tags (367) + String tags (27) Total tags consist of real tags and virtual tags.
E.g.) Total tags (977) = Real tags (1) + Virtual tags (976)Group tag is considered as a virtual tag.
There are two types of alarm tags; Digital alarm tags and Analog alarm tags. You can register a digital/analog tag as digital/analog alarm tag.
E.g.) Out of 494 digital tags, 228 tags are registered as digital alarm tag.You can log data through string/digital/analog tags.
E.g.) String, Digital and analog tags used for the data logging are 556 tags in total.
WS/RS keylocks support the number of real tags. These keylocks are internally distinguished by the supported number of real tags.
WS/RS keylocks may support 75/150/500/1500/FULL real tags. If the number of real tags registered in the project exceed the supported number of real tags, the project will be converted into demo mode. To prevent such situation, you can check the information of current keylock and the database at once.