Alarm Setting - Digital Tag

If you select the [Set as alarm tag] option on the [New tag] tab of the digital tag editing screen, the [Alarm] tab will be added as shown below. When you select the [Alarm] tab, you can enter the digital alarm screen.

(1)    Alarm Type

There are five types of alarms in the digital tag.




Regardless of the previous state, if the tag is recognized as ON (1), the alarm will occur. When the tag value becomes 0, the alarm will be cleared.


Regardless of the previous state, if the tag is recognized as OFF (0), the alarm will occur. When the tag value becomes 1, the alarm will be cleared.



The alarm turns ON on the moment the tag state becomes OFF to ON. This alarm type prevents the duplicated alarm occurrence which might happen during the maintenance.


The alarm turns ON on the moment the tag state becomes ON to OFF. This alarm type prevents the duplicated alarm occurrence which might happen during the maintenance.


The alarm turns ON on the moment the tag state switches. (ON -> OFF or OFF -> ON)


(2)    Alarm Configuration




Enable or disable the alarm operation.


You may assign the delay time of the alarm in seconds. If the alarm is turned OFF in the delay time, it is not assumed as an alarm.


Assign the alarm level. You can assign from 1 to 15 grade. (In case of UltimateAccess Web Version lower than 3.04, 1 to 8 grade) In the [Alarm Configuration] window, you can output the specific alarm according to the level.


Assign the location of the digital alarm. You can assign the alarm zone from A to P. In the [Alarm Configuration] window, you can output the specific alarm according to the alarm zone.

Alarm On

On Label

Enter the label which will appear on the digital alarm ON. You can check the label at the ‘Alarm Description’ option in [Format] tab of [Alarm Summary] window.

On Action

You can assign an action when the alarm occurs. For example, you may assign command/operation expression or script execution command as shown below.

E.g.) Runscript(“AlarmTag1”)

Use Comment

When you select the option, […] button is activated, and you may use the comment table.

※ Please refer to the ‘Comment Table’ manual for the more information.

Alarm Off

Ack Label

Enter the label which will appear on the alarm acknowledgment. You can check the label at the ‘Alarm Description’ option in [Format] tab of [Alarm Summary] window.

Off Label

Enter the label which will appear on the alarm clearance. You can check the label at the ‘Alarm Description’ option in [Format] tab of [Alarm Summary] window.

Off Action

You can assign an action when the alarm is cleared. For example, you may assign command/operation expression or script execution command as shown below.

E.g.) Runscript(“AlarmTag1”)

Use Comment

When you select the option, […] button is activated, and you may use the comment table.

※ Please refer to the ‘Comment Table’ manual for the more information.

Alarm ACK

All Alarm Ack Act Enable

When you select the option, the assigned action is executed at the all alarms are acknowledged by the command ‘AlarmAckALL’, which acknowledges the entire tag with ‘Assign as Alarm Tag’ option.


Enter a command expression which will be executed when the alarm tag is acknowledged. To execute the command expression entered here, the ‘Define Tag action’ option in the [General] tab must be selected beforehand.