Lamp Feature

Lamp Feature

The Lamp feature is classified to Bit lamp and Word lamp. You may configure the lamp states according to the lamp type.



Use Lamp

Decides the enablement of the lamp feature and type of the lamp.

Bit Lamp

Operates by combination of digital tags. Lamp state is changed according to data value or bit combination.

Word Lamp

Changes the lamp state by tag value or bit combinations.

Lamp states

Changes the lamp state with various methods, according to each lamp type.

Changing States with Bit Lamp

Change State by Bit Combination               

Each digital tag composes each digit of the binary number. The state of data is defined according to the combination of each digit.

E.g.) If DIGITAL1 = 0, DIGITAL2 = 1, DIGITAL3 = 1 and DIGITAL4 = 0, they indicate 0110 in binary. Since it is equal to “6” in decimal, the ‘State 6” is displayed.

You can use maximum 16 states with this option.


Changes State by Bit

Each digital tag represents a single state. If all digital tags’ values are “0”, “State 0” will be displayed. If the DIGITAL4 = 1, the “State 4” will be displayed. When multiple tags are set as “1”, the priority goes to the state with the lower number.
E.g.) If DIGITAL1 = 1, DIGITAL3 = 1, “State 1” will be displayed.

You can use maximum 5 states with this option.

Changing States with Word Lamp

Change State by Bit Combination

Displays the state with a single analog tag. Maximum 256 states can be displayed.

Change State by Bit

Since an analog is composed of a word, it is possible to display the states with 16 bits. It indicates that a word can display 17 states. Only one bit has to be turned ON at a time. If any other bit is ON simultaneously, the priority goes to the less significant bit.


E.g. 1) If the value of an analog tag is 3(0000 0000 0000 0011), State 1 and 2 are supposed to be ON. However, since State 1 has higher priority, the State 1 is ON. 


Change State by Data Range

Configures the range in a word and displays the state with the condition.

E.g.) When the value of an analog tag “ANA1” is 1, State 2 is ON.


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