Basic Object

Basic Object

You can select basic objects such as line, rectangle, etc. You can also select the basic objects from the [Draw] menu.




Selector mode used to select, move and resize objects.
You can move around in the graphic page by following steps:

  1. Right-click the blank space of graphic page.

  2. Drag the mouse to opposite from location you want to move.


Line tool used to draw lines.


Rectangle tool used to draw rectangles or squares.


Rounded rectangle tool used to draw rectangles or squares with rounded corners.


Circle tool used to draw circle or ellipses.


Arc tool used to draw arcs.


Chord tool used to draw chords.

 Circular Sector

Circular sector tool used to draw circular sector.


Line tool used to draw polylines. Vertexes are added whenever clicking blank space of the graphic page. To exit drawing mode, double-click the blank space of the graphic page.

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