2.6.2 CimonD Menu
This section explains the default menu on CimonD startup and additional menu when a module is executed.
※     Refer to each item’s manual for more information.
Name | Description |
File | You can open or close the files in CimonD with this menu. |
Edit | This menu is activated when you edit the page. |
View | Shows or hides the toolbar of CimonD. You can select standard tool, status tool, and project workspace. |
Tools | This menu is activated when you edit the page. |
Help | Displays the information and help of CimonD. |
(1)   Menu – Page Edit
The image shown below is the menu which you can select on the page window. On the top menu bar, [Edit], [Tools] menus are activated and [Draw], [Arrange] menus are added. New items are added to the initial menus.
Name | Description |
File | [Layout] feature is added. |
Edit | [Undo], [Redo], [Paste Special], [Select All], [Object Config], [Insert Object], [Image Embedding], [Insert ActiveX], [Insert Animation Bitmap], [Links], [Object], [3D Styles] are added. |
View | [Redraw], [Current Page Position to Runtime], [Object Window], [Selected Object Window] and the list of current project’s pages are added. |
Tools | [Font Setup], [Page Setup], [User Library Edit], [Bitmap Edit] and [Cross Reference] are added. |
Help | [About Designer] is added. |