1.2.2 Advanced settings

1.2.2 Advanced settings

Tag Settings - Advanced

1. Digital Tag


  • Initial Value
    If it is a real tag, the 'Write initial value to I/O device' option should be checked. If it is a virtual tag, it is applied regardless of the initial value device write option.

  • Invert Value from I/O Device
    Displays the value read from the device inverted. The actual data value will be displayed as OFF when it is ON and ON when it is OFF.

  • OFF / ON Label
    Defines the string to display when OFF or ON. Tag variables can be used in tag value objects to display on the screen.

Tag value → [TAG Name]:LABEL


In this case, instead of 0's and 1's, we will display the string defined by the OFF/ON label.

2. Analog Tag

  • Initial Value

If this is a physical tag, the "Write Initial Value Device" option must be checked. If it is a virtual tag, the Write Initial Value Device option will be applied regardless.


  • Deadband

This does not apply to virtual tags; it only applies to real tags and will only cause the tag's value to change if the value exceeds the value set as Deadband.


※Application examples

If the actual value of the device for the current tag is 0 and the Deadband is set to 100, the actual value of the device from 0 to 100 will be displayed as 0 in CIMON, and if it becomes 101, it will be displayed as 101 in CIMON.


  • Engineering Data

If the tag is virtual, it is scaled to the maximum and minimum values of the tag as seen in CIMON. If it is a real tag, it is combined with the real data and used to scale proportionally.

  • Raw Data

If it is a virtual tag, it will not be applied. If it is a real tag, it will be combined with internal data and scaled proportionally.

※ Scaling with Engineering Data / Raw Data


Tag Value = Device’s Actual Value x Engineering Data(Max - Min) / Raw Data (Max – Min)


  • Scale

An arithmetic expression is used to transform the data values from the device so that they can be monitored.

The following formulas are applied

Tag Value = Device’s Actual Value * Scale + offset

  • Generate data for reports

This will generate data for report output. This must be checked in order to use the report-related function Tlogval().

  • Resetting accumulated values manually

Select if this accumulated tag is a tag that will be manually reset.

3. String Tag


  • String Length

Sets the maximum length of the string.

  • Initial Value

Applies if the tag is virtual, and specifies the value that is initially displayed when CIMON starts.


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