1.1.2 Security settings

1.1.2 Security settings

PostgreSQL SSL setting

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol that encrypts and secures communication between web servers and clients. SSL encrypts and protects data so that if someone intercepts it in transit, they can't read it. This ensures that sensitive information in the field is transmitted securely and protected.

SSL Certificate

To use SSL security features, you need to obtain an SSL security certificate. Certificates must be issued by a recognized authority, and if you configure your local network as a closed network, you can apply a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL.

(1) Using self-signed certificates

first of all User need to install OpenSSL

url: Downloads

  • Refer to their documentation for installation and usage instructions.

  1. openssl req –new –text –out server.req
    (Under Request information, enter your local hostname as "Common Name".)

  2. openssl rsa –in privkey.pem –out server.key

  3. openssl req –x509 –in server.req –text –key server.key –out server.crt

(2) Create Key and crt file

ssl = on

ssl_cert_file = ‘[Path to the certificate file]’

ssl_key_file = ‘[Path to private key file]’

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = on


Run the command window as an administrator and type the following command

(3) Once the key and crt file have been generated, keep the files in a safe place.

For the purposes of this description, we will keep them in the Historian/key folder in the path where Ultimateaccess is installed.

(4) Edit Postgresql.conf

In the Historian folder, open the postresql.conf file in an editor and modify it like this

(5) Restart PostgreSQL

The key and crt files are only checked during server startup, so you must restart the server for any changes to take effect.

(6) Installation Complete

If SSL was successfully installed, you should see a message like this

In case you connect to pgAdmin 4 and check with psql tool


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