Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

  1. Select communication method correctly.

  2. Select the action mode of a computer link module correctly and click it to set up. If the action mode is set up wrongly, the communication may be disabled.

  3. If the station number is duplicated in the state that the action mode is set up as the exclusive communication mode, there will be an error in communication.

  4. Use the cable of the assigned standard as the communication cable.

  5. Check where the communication cable is broken.

  6. Tighten the screws to fix the communication cable connecter.

  7. Connect the cable of Channel 2(RS422/RS485) correctly.

Installation of RS422 Cable :
Connect TX with RX between the first two stations. Connect TX with TX and RX with RX, between other stations.




Installation of RS485 Cable :
Connect SDA with SDB and RDA with RDB each other in 2-wire type connection.




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