Converting Memory Mode

Converting Memory Mode

Type of Memory Modes

RAM Operation Mode

  • This mode is operated by the program stored in the RAM of a CPU card.

  • In the characteristic of RAM, power being continuously supplied, the stored programs are not cleared. If power is OFF, the power from the battery in CPU is supplied.

  • In case that the voltage of the battery is less than standard one, the Internal Flag F3.4 is set up. At this time, the battery is to be replaced. If there is no battery, the programs are kept by the inside super capacitor for several minutes.

  • As the operation time is less than the time to download to flash memory(Around a half or 30%), the RAM operation mode is good to debug IL/LD program.


ROM Operation Mode

  • This mode is operated by the program stored in the flash memory of a CPU card.

  • If the power is OFF and ON after the ROM operation mode is set up, the program stored in a flash memory is copied to RAM and is operated. In this case, the program stored in RAM is cleared.

  • If a program is stored in flash memory, the one is almost not cleared.

  • It is safe to store a program in flash memory after making IL/LD program to operate in the ROM operation mode.


Setting Up in the CICON

  • Clear Flash Memory : This is used to clear the program stored in flash memory.

  • Store In Flash Memory From RAM : This is used to copy the program stored in RAM and to store it in flash memory.

  • Store In Flash Memory : This is used to store the PLC operation program made by LD or IL in a flash memory directly.

  • ROM Operation Mode : This is used to operate with the program stored in flash memory.

  • RAM Operation Mode : This is used to operate the program stored in RAM.

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