6.2 Security Settings
Security settings in a Part 11 project are basically the same as in regular projects, but with the addition of using windows accounts, setting group permissions, and setting passwords.
(1) Part 11 Security Settings
Items | Description |
Use Windows Account | If the OS is a Windows server, get the account names from Active Directory and add them to the list of users. |
Set group permissions | Set access permissions by group. |
Enable Minimum Password Length | Specify the minimum password length (can be 1-16) |
Include At Least One Number And Letter | When setting a password, include at least one number and at least one letter (both numbers and letters). |
Include At Least One Special Character | When setting a password, include at least one special character. (@#$%^&*()-_=+\]{};:/?.><!) |
Enable Password Reset Interval | After a set period of time, must reset their password to log in. (1 to 9999 days) |
Request To Change Password On First Login | Require users to change their password the first time they sign in. |
Prohibit consecutive duplicate characters | When checked, prohibit the use of consecutive duplicate characters in the password. (can specify the number of allowed repeating characters). |
Prohibit of resetting previous passwords | Save a set number of modified passwords. Prohibit resetting saved passwords. (a set number can be 1-30) |
(2) Group Permissions Settings
Group permissions settings grant permissions to groups of users to view, write, and print data. If a user does not belong to a group, or if a user belongs to a specific group and the group does not have the following permissions checked, the user is banned from accessing the data.
Items | Description |
Name | Set a group name. This will be used as an alias for the group. |
Manage Users | Be granted access to the User Management page. |
Direct Write Tags | If unchecked, cannot write tags in the Database page (but can still view tag values). |
View Audit Trail | Be granted access to the Audit Trail page. |
View Data Log | Be granted access to the Data Log page. |
View Reports | Be granted access to the Report page, where you can see a list of report files. |
View Alarms | Be granted access to the Alarm page. |
Export Files | Allow to download Excel, PDF and Report from any page. |
If you don't have authorization to access the page, a message above will be displayed and access to the page will be restricted.