6.2 Security Settings
Security settings in a Part 11 project are basically the same as in regular projects, but with the addition of using windows accounts, setting group permissions, and setting passwords.
(1)Β Β Β Part 11 Security Settings
Items | Description |
Use Windows Account | If the OS is a Windows server, get the account names from Active Directory and add them to the list of users. |
Set group permissions | Set access permissions by group. |
Enable Minimum Password Length | Specify the minimum password length (can be 1-16) |
Include At Least One Number And Letter | When setting a password, include at least one number and at least one letter (both numbers and letters). |
Include At Least One Special Character | When setting a password, include at least one special character. (@#$%^&*()-_=+\]{};:/?.><!) |
Enable Password Reset Interval | After a set period of time, must reset their password to log in. (1 to 9999 days) |
Request To Change Password On First Login | Require users to change their password the first time they sign in. |
Prohibit consecutive duplicate characters | When checked, prohibit the use of consecutive duplicate characters in the password. (can specify the number of allowed repeating characters). |
Prohibit of resetting previous passwords | Save a set number of modified passwords. Prohibit resetting saved passwords. (a set number can be 1-30) |
(2)Β Β Β Group Permissions Settings
Group permissions settings grant permissions to groups of users to view, write, and print data. If a user does not belong to a group, or if a user belongs to a specific group and the group does not have the following permissions checked, the user is banned from accessing the data.
Items | Description |
Name | Set a group name. This will be used as an alias for the group. |
Manage Users | Be granted access to the User Management page. |
Direct Write Tags | If unchecked, cannot write tags in the Database page (but can still view tag values). |
View Audit Trail | Be granted access to the Audit Trail page. |
View Data Log | Be granted access to the Data Log page. |
View Reports | Be granted access to the Report page, where you can see a list of report files. |
View Alarms | Be granted access to the Alarm page. |
Export Files | Allow to download Excel, PDF and Report from any page. |
If you don't have authorization to access the page, a message above will be displayed and access to the page will be restricted.