2.5.1 CimonD Start Option

2.5.1 CimonD Start Option

You can select the first action when you run the CimonD. The dialog box provides options for opening projects; recently edited project, new project or the project you wish to select. The table shows information about commands you can select in the dialog box.



Recent Project

Projects recently modified are listed in the dialog box. When you are using the UltimateAccess Web 1.0, up to 10 projects are listed.

Recent Project

Opens the selected project.

New Project

Brings up a window for creating a new project.

Search and Open

Launches a file explorer. You may find a project from the directory in which the project file is saved.


Exits the [Start option] dialog box.

(1)    Recent Project

After the selection of the project, you can open it by double-clicking or pressing [Recent Project] button.

If the project was opened in the higher UltimateAccess Web version or the path has been changed, you cannot open the project.

In this case, you can convert the project’s version into the lower one at [File] – [Convert Project Version].

※      Please refer to the ‘Convert Project Version’ manual for more information about project version conversion.

(2)    New Project

You can create a project by pressing [New Project] button. On [New Project] window, you can set details of the project.



Project Name

You must enter the project name. The project name cannot be duplicated to the other project in the same path. If you change the project name manually, it may cause the improper execution of the project in UltimateAccess Web.

Project Description

Enter the description of the project. It is not compulsory.

Saved in

You must assign the path where the project is saved in. The default path is “C:\CIMON\”UltimateAccess Web [Version]”. A folder with project name is created, and the project file is saved as “*.prj” format in the folder.

End User

Enter the end user of the project. It is not compulsory.


Enter the contractor of the project. It is not compulsory.


Enter the manager of the project. It is not compulsory.



Enter a password to use when you open the project in CimonD.



The password has to be entered with following criteria.

  1. You can use Alphanumeric. The password is case

  2. You cannot use spaces.

  3. You can only use special characters such as

  4. The password length must be between 8 to 16

  5. The password is displayed as ‘****’. When you
    empty the field, it will be recognized as non-password.

Confirm Password

Enter the same password to confirm.


Saves the password setting.


Does not set up the password and goes back to the [New Project] window.


Creates a project with the entered information.


Does not create a project and goes back to the start-up screen.

(3)    Search and Open

You can browse the project file (‘*.prj’ format) by pressing [Search and Open] button in the [Start Option] dialog box.

When you select and press [Open], the last-edited project will be opened.

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