15.3.1 Settings

15.3.1 Settings

An alarm summary object is configurable when you click [Draw] – [Alarm Summary] or  icon. The same command can be found in the [Toolbox]. You can enlarge the object’s size more than that of alarm summary toolbar.

After selecting [Alarm Summary] menu, click the blank area of a graphic page. The object configuration dialog box will appear as shown below.


An alarm summary object is configurable when you click [Draw] – [Alarm Summary] or  icon. The same command can be found in the [Toolbox]. You can enlarge the object’s size more than that of alarm summary toolbar.

(1)    Buttons



Check All

Selects entire items in the current tab. This command is enabled in [Alarm Level], [Alarm Zone], [Display Type], [Alarm Status] tab.

Uncheck All

Deselects all selected items in the current tab. This command is enabled in [Alarm Level], [Alarm Zone], [Display Type], [Alarm Status] tab.

<< Prev

Goes back to previous step.

Next >>

Goes ahead to next step.


Create an alarm summary object with configurations.


Exits the dialog box without configuration.

(2)    Alarm Level

Assigns the alarm level at the digital or analog alarm to monitor on the alarm summary. Alarm level can be assigned up to 15 grades.

(3)    Alarm Zone

Assigns the alarm zone at the digital or analog alarm to monitor on the alarm summary. Alarm zone can be assigned up to 16 locations.

※      Refer to the ‘Alarm Configuration’ manual for more information about alarm zone.

(4)    Display Type

Selects the alarm type to monitor on the alarm summary.

※      Refer to the ‘Alarm’ manual for more information about alarm type.

Tag Type

Alarm Type

Digital Tag

OFF Alarm, ON Alarm, OFF → ON Alarm, ON → OFF Alarm, OFF ↔ ON Alarm

Analog Tag

Boundary Value

HiHi Alarm, Hi Alarm, Lo Alarm, LoLo Alarm

Deviation Value

Main Dev Alarm, Sub Dev Alarm

Rate of Change

ROC Alarm

(5)    Alarm Status

Selects the alarm status to display on the alarm summary in CimonX runtime.

(6)    Format

Configures the format of alarm message to display on the alarm summary.



Time Format

Specifies time format on the alarm summary.

Item List

Shows the following information on the alarm summary.


The time stamp of the most recent change of status for the instance of the alarm.

Tag Name

The tag name corresponds to an alarm.

Tag Value

The tag values when corresponding alarm is enabled or disabled. An analogic alarm is represented as numeric value. A digital alarm is represented as status string.

Alarm Status

The alarmed state that determined on changes of limits and conditions.
E.g.) Alarm Off, Alarm On, Alarm Change

Alarm Type

The type of alarm which is enabled during process.
E.g.) Hi Alarm, LoLo Alarm, OFF Alarm, ON → OFF Alarm

Alarm Description

This indicates descriptions based on each state of alarm.
E.g.) HiHi Alarm Description, Alarm Off Description, Alarm Acknowledge Description

Alarm Off Time

The time stamp when the corresponding alarm is disabled.

Alarm Zone

The area where the alarm is enabled. (A~P)

Alarm Level

The grade of the enabled alarm. (1~15)

Alarm On Time

The time stamp when the corresponding alarm is enabled.

Alarm Time

The hours that the alarm status is kept.
E.g.) 00:03:25

Alarm Count

The count that the cumulative occurrence count of alarms.

Accumulated Alarm Time

The hours that the cumulative duration of alarms.
E.g.) 00:03:25


Sets the column width to hold the alarm messages. This value can be assigned from 1 to 99.

<<, >>

Add the item which you want to display in the alarm summary.
You can remove the displayed item from the alarm summary.

▼, ▲

Order in which you want the items to be sorted in the alarm summary.

(7)    Color

Configures each displayed alarm message up to 90 different colors; Alarm zone, alarm status, alarm type and alarm level. You can also set alarm summary object’s background color.



(8)    Option

This section allows you to modify the appearance of the alarm summary object.




Designates the name of an alarm summary object. This name is used to set up the alarm summary object with a specific ID. For example, if you wish to print the Alarm Summary by using script, the window will be distinguished by object’s name in the script manager.

Show Header

Shows the header in the upper side of window.

Show Tool Button

Shows the tool buttons at the bottom side of window. The toolbar contains following items; Historical alarm, print, selected alarm ack, window alarm ack, all alarm ack, filter, save.
The default size of the object is determined by the size of the toolbar.
You cannot reduce object size more than that of toolbar.

Bottom Add
When Alarm On

Adds a newly occurred alarm at the bottom of the window.
When this option is disabled, the alarm will be displayed at the top of the window.

New Item Add
When Alarm On

While alarm for a tag continues to occur or to be released, the recent alarm status will be displayed and the contents for a previous alarm will disappear.
If the option is enabled, the contents of a new alarm will be added while the previous alarms are maintained.