I/O Input Filter

The IO Input Filter Program is a special program that configures the IO Input Filter for PLC-S modules.

Registering the IO Input Filter
Select [File] -> [New Program] -> [IO Input Filter] program.




Enter the Program Name, Program ID and Program Free Space (Online Edit Buffer).
Click the [OK] button.


Configuring the IO Input Filter Program




Base: There is no need to select base since PLC-S is fixed with local base.

Slot: Select a slot to configure IO. A user can select from Slot 1 to Slot 12.



Help: displays Help documentation of the IO Input Filter program.

Input Filter Select: selects desired input contacts. "Select All" configures 32 points at once.
There are two card types: 32 Point and 16 Point.



Standard Input Filter: Devices that are not selected in the ‘Input Filter Select’ will be drive cycle for the Standard Input Filter. You can enter up to 1~200.

User Input Filter: Devices that are selected in the ‘Input Filter Select’ will be drive cycle for the User Input Filter. You can enter up to 1~200.

Online Edit: You can edit the program while PLC is in RUN Mode.

Write: saves the modified contents of the program.

Close: closes the IO Input Filter program. Unless saved, the modified contents will be deleted.