Configuration and Operation

Configuration and Operation

Ramp Control

  1. Output control of CM3-SP32PWM is available from 1 pps to 4000 pps.

  2. Ramp is supported when frequency value is changed.

  3. The frequency ramp feature changes according to the frequency ramp control time. If the set time is 0, the frequency ramp changes immediately.
    ** The setting value for frequency can be changed during the ramp operation. However, changing the frequency ramp control time can only be applied AFTER changing the frequency value.


  4. CM3-SP32PWM's output duty cycle ratio can be controlled from 0% to 100%.

  5. Supports ‘Ramp when duty cycle ratio changes’ feature.

  6. Duty cycle ramp function changes according to the frequency ramp control time. It instantly changes if the duty cycle ramp time is set to 0.
    ** If duty cycle ramp control time is changed during ramp operation, the change will be applied not to the current operation, but to the next operation


  7. Maximum 12 channels are available for high-speed PWM output that supports ramp feature. Frequency ramp and duty cycle ramp operates individually.

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