6.6.4 Chart Utilization

6.6.4 Chart Utilization

When you run CImon X, you can use various useful features through the chart menu. The features provided in the menu are displayed with the following icons.


When you click the menu, the menu icons will appear.

The functions of each icon are described in the table below.








Opens and closes the chart menu.

Real-time Chart



Displays the real-time chart.

Clicking it switches to historical mode

Historical Chart




Displays the historical chart.

Clicking it switches to real-time mode.

Date-based Data



Shows data for the desired date in the chart.

Next Frame

Move to the next frame in historical mode.

Previous Frame

Move to the previous frame in historical mode.

Zoom In



Zooms into the chart.

Zoom Out



Zooms out of the chart.

Fit in Screen



Fits the chart to the screen.

(Only works in real-time mode)

Capture Screen



Captures the chart screen and returns it as an image.

Pen Setting



Adds and removes tag information on the chart.

PDF Exports

(Part 11)



Summarizes the data on the chart and exports it as a PDF along with the chart image.

Exports all data in Excel format.

Downloaded data (Excel file) during PDF export will be deleted after 30 days.

When viewing historical bar charts from historical data, the number of tag data points is limited to 5,000.

Pen Setting

Pen settings allow users to add and delete not only the tags set in CimonD but also other tags for charts.

When you click the pen settings icon, the following screen will be displayed.

When you click the "Add Pen" button, the following screen will appear. After selecting the tag you want to add and clicking the "Confirm" button, you will see the pen added.

If you add a tag that is not set for data collection, it will not be visible in the historical char view.

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